Chapter 1 Realizations

Created by Cathy 16 years ago
As the days go by, Sheri is missed very much. She always had a smile and was considerate to others. She realized that older persons deserve a good life too. She told me that she had given thought to the fact that the elders of our world have had experiences they could share and have worked hard. She worked in that area for a while before her death. She said there were some that she had grown guite close to and they were good people. The more I learn of my daughter, the more I realize that she followed in my steps. By that I mean, she was quite like me. But, she had so much more patience that I do. And, with her being like myself in so many ways makes me so very proud of her then and now. She was warm, caring and considerate of others. She wasn't perfect but all her other qualities out-weighed any faults she may have had. I do not know of anyone who ever became angry with her. Her hugs were so warm, I miss them so much. She had a pretty smile. She would come home to see if all was alright with me. She believed in God. She was a straight-A student. Was studying computer science. Told me that she had to study once. I was amazed. I asked her "study?" She said, "Yep, mom, this is the first time I have really had to study; when I was in high school, it came to me so easy. But this, I have to study." Her name is in a book of renowned students. She is a valedictorian.